Jai Narain Vyas University 2008 B.Sc Zoology (Part 1) - Question Paper
Wednesday, 23 January 2013 10:50Web
B.Sc.(Part 1) exam of the 3 year Degree curse,2008
Diversity of Animals and Evolution
Time -Three Hours Maximum marks 50
Note :-1 Attempt 5 ques. in all selecting either A or B from every unit.
two provide labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Unit one
1 A Write classification of phylum Annelida up to classes. provide example of every class.
B Write short notes on:-
a Embryogeny
b 5 Kingdom Scheme
c Levels of Organization
Unit 2
2 A define the habit,habitat and salient features of Sycon.
B define the habit,habitat and salient features of Nereis.
Unit 3
3 A define the Theory of Natural Selction in detail.
B Write short notes on :-
a Origin of life
b Speciation
c Genetic basis of evolution.
Unit 4
4 A Write short notes on:-
a Mimicry
b Formation of fossils.
B define the various kinds of Isolating mechanisms and mention their role in evolution.
Unit 5
5 A Write an essay on Zoogeographical regions of the world and their characterstic mammalian fauna.
B Write short notes on:-
a Archaeopteryx
b Mesozoic era.
Earning: Approval pending. |