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Jadavpur University 2010 B.A English Honors admission test of - Question Paper

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JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY B.A. ENGLISH ADMISSION TEST 2010 Time: 2 hours 30 minutes (for both parts together)    Full marks: 130

Answer Part I first, in the first few pages of your answer-book.

Part II will only be assessed if you qualify in Part I.

Part I.

1.    Rewrite the following sentences correctly. You need not copy the original sentence in your answer-book; write only the corrected version. (10X1 = 10)

a)    The baby cried herself into sleep.

b)    The huge python was entwined against the tree-trunk.

c)    The old stock should be disposed off before the new stock is ordered.    1 '

d)    The panda eats, shoots and leaves.

e)    I am really strapped of cash and cannot pay my bills.

f)    That kind of behaviour is out of the place at a party.

g)    1 hope you dont bear a grudge at me. 1 '    ' '

h)    His actions gave currencies to the rumour that he was about to leave. 1 1

i)    She shouted at her brother on top of her voice.

j)    Please keep your wits with you at the time of the interview.    1

2.    Pair the first word in each line below with the word or phrase closest to it m meaning

within the brackets. Write only the paired set in your answer-book.

(10X1= 10)

... r.v_---i!    u<;v

a)    infirm (feeble, notify, corporate, disqualified)    " 11 i i

b)    ogre (amorous glance, orgy, monster,-a gland)    ,    

c)    boulder (courageous, shoulder-blade; ribbon, large wk)I11'5" Btl * v

d)    ribald (ribbon, alopecia, old rib, coarse) ft*1*     1 ' ' *** Vflf*

e)    masticate (chew, to display masteryJflafisbdog,*    aaob '#

f)    reverie (revival, rivulet, to revere; daydream)    u-

g)    wane (want, wiggle, decrease, wander)

h)    snarl (sneeze, tangle, snare, snatch)     "    H '    ;

i)    kidnap (sleep, play-school,*bduct, short story)

j)    imbibe (embibil, absorb, imbecile, to ofFcra bribe)    ' - 1 '

<* -    : . " :        ' '    ' II--:

3.    Complete the following sentences using one word for each of'thblank Spades. Write the

completed sentences in your- answertodfc'    (10X1=10)

a You will never be popular if you are too clever by _ . by Actors never retire. TTiey die in_.

c)    Would you be_kind as to help me open this window?

d)    Your resignation has certainly come as a_from the blue.

e)    Hejumped into the car and drove off at_-neck speed to fetch the doctor.

f)    We were able to catch the last train by the_ of our teeth.

g)    1 did not enjoy the pillion-ride. I was hanging on for_life all the way.

h)    I ran from pillar to_to get my ration card.

i)    The discussions that went on into the wee __became increasingly unprofitable.

j) He is like a_with nine lives and will probably live to see ninety.

.    [ Turn over

1 Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:

'    (10X4=40)

Love After Love The time will come

when, with elation    

you will greet yourself arriving    '

at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the others welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.

You will love again the stranger who was your self.

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart.

Take down the love letters from the bookshelf

the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror.

Sit. Feast on your life.    

a)    What does the word after in the title of the poem signify?

b)    Why does the poet describe the self as a stranger?

c)    What does the mirTor appear to stand for in the poem?    '

d)    Comment on the relation between love and feasting in the poem.

2.    Write short notes on any four of the following:     (4 X 5 - 20)

Aristotle, Alexandre Dumas, Charles Darwin, jibanmukhi gan, Sukumar Ray, The Discovety of India, Putul Nacher Itikatha, Kafka, Neruda, Teni-da, Chitrangada, The Communist Manifesto, John Milton, Mahashveta Devi, Jayanta Mahapatra, J. M. Coetzee, George Ehot, Sadat Hasan Manto, Picasso, The Iliad, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, James Joyce, Badal Sarkar, Don Quixote, Shakuntala, Thomas Hardy

3.    Write an essay on any one of the following subjects:    (40)

a)    Can literature be taught?

b)    Science, fantasy and fiction

c)    Should plays be seen or read?

d)    The difference between history and literature


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