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University of Pune 2007 B.C.A Computer Application VISUAL BASIC - exam paper

Sunday, 21 April 2013 09:00Web

B.C.A. (Semester-IV) Examination-2007
Time: three Hours] [Max. marks: 80
(1) All ques. are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Give illustrations wherever necessary.

Q1) Check whether the part of code is accurate. provide suitable explanation, if there are errors and output, if the code is correct: (Any Four) [20]

(a) Dim checkme
Checkme = IsNull(checkme)
For ncount = one To Len(checkme)
Print Mid(checkme, 1, ncount)
Next ncount

(b) Dim n() As String
ReDim n(1 To 5) As Variant
N(1) = “hello”
Print n(1)

(c) result = Fix(-4.5)
Print outcome
Print Abs(res)

(d) num = InputBox(“enter an integer greater than I”)
num = num * num
Print num
Num = num * num
Loop While (num<100)
What will be the output if the user enters
(i) 3 (ii) 4

(e) For row = one To 5
For col = one To row
Print “*”,
Next col
Next row

Q2) discuss about the property settings for the control: (Any Five) [10]

(1) How to have images on tabstrip?
(2) Taborder and tabstop of command button.
(3) Compare height and scale height of a form.
(4) Any 1 property and event of time control.
(5) Explain largechange and smallchange of property of scrollbars.
(6) How to add a picture and clear a picture from a picture box?
(7) How can 1 organize the list items alphabetically in a listbox?

Q3) Draw an interface and write the code for the subsequent program. Also provide the property settings for the improper controls:

Write a program to create a popup menu consisting of two menu items. The popup menu should be displayed when the user clicks the right button of the mouse. When user clicks on the menu items a msgbox should be displayed giving an improper message. [15]


Q3) Take a list box, text box on a form.
Add five date functions in the list box at run time.
When user chooses any of the date function from the list box, the output should be displayed in the text box.

Q4) Solve the following: (Any Four) [20]

(a) Write a function named valid password that accepts a sting as a parameter and returns a Boolean value depending on whether or not the provided string is a valid password.
(b) Write a program to ask the user for a list of numbers and add them until the user wants to stop.
(c) Write a function to compute the power i to the power n Where I and n both are integers and are taken as parameters of the function.

(d) Write a note on Message Box.

(e) What are Control Arrays? discuss with the help of a suitable example.

Q5) Write short notes on: (Any Three) [15]

(a) Common Dialog Box
(b) Features of visual basic 6.0
(c) Conversion Functions (Any Four)
(d) Application Architecture
(e) Arrays in VB
(f) Menus in VB

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