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Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University 2009 B.Pharm II – FORMULATIVE PHARMACY AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS Q.PCode : 564243 - - Question Paper

Friday, 19 April 2013 06:25Web

[KU 752) Sub. Code: 4243
(Regulations 2004)Candidates Admitted from 2004-05
Q.P. Code : 564243
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 90 marks
I. Essay ques. : (2 X 20 = 40)
ans any 2 ques..
1. Differentiate hard and soft gelatin capsules. discuss the method of
manufacturing of soft gelatin capsule by rotary die process.
2. describe pharmacokinetics, discuss the pharmacokinetic &
pharmacodynamic parameters in plasma level time curve.
3. Write the principle behind osmotic drug delivery system, discuss in detail
about different osmotic pressure controlled devices and write the applications of
osmotic drug delivery system.
II. Write Short Notes : (8X five = 40)
ans any 8 ques..
1. Crystallinity and Polymorphs.
2. Processing issues of tablet dosage form.
3. Dissolution test for tablet dosage form.
4. Film coating.
5. Quality control tests of parenteral dosage form.
6. Layout of aseptic area.
7. Design and construction of prolonged action products.
8. Co aurvation phase separation.
9. Carrier mediated transport.
10. valuation of transdermal drug delivery system.
III. Short Answers: (5X2 = 10)
ans any 5 ques..
1. Orange peel effect.
2. Schematic representation of manufacturing of hard gelatin capsule.
3. Principle of LAL test.
4. HEPA filters.
5. Down hill transport.
6. Elimination rate constant & renal clearance.
7. Apparent quantity of distribution and area under curve.

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