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Thapar University 2006 M.Tech Computer Science Component Based Computing - Question Paper

Friday, 19 April 2013 10:30Web

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
M.E. CSE (1st Year)
Final Term exam
SE0016 (Component Based Computing)

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala Computer Science & Engineering Department M.E Second Year, First Semester Final Test

Course Code: SE-016    Date: 05/12/2006

Course Name: Component Based Computing    Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Instructor: Parteek Bhatia    Max. Marks: 45

Note: Attempt any five questions. You can see your evaluated answer books on

_8.12.2006 at 4 P.M    _

la) Explain the architecture of DCOM?        4

b)    What are the benefits of Component Based Computing? How it is 3 helpful in Software Reuse.

c)    Write short note on COM Object.    2

2    a) Explain the Interfaces of COM.    4

b)    Explain the classification of Active X Components with examples.    3

c)    Write the importance of Java API.    2

3    a) Compare COM+, EJB and CCM on the basis of Scalability, State 7

Management, Ease of Development and Deployment issues,

b) Write short note on container managed Persistence.    2

4    a) Explain the architecture of JVM with the help of demonstration of a 5

Java program. Explain the status of pc and stack frame at different points in an appropriate java program.

b)    Explain the importance of Bento in OpenDoc Architecture.    3 *

c)    Write the command to see the byte code of a java class.    1

5    a) What are the problems of OpenDoc?    3

b)    Explain the life cycle of Message Driven Bean?    3

c)    Briefly explain the J2EE Architecture with diagram.    3

6    a) Write the steps for designing, developing and deploying of an EJB 4

application with Net Beans.

b)    Write short note on CIL.    2

c)    Write the java source code for the following byte code.    3

''nnpileri frott "tetit.

public clacs test extend Java.lng.ObJect<

]Mihllc teetO;

Code J 8: alod_D

1: invokespecial tl; //Method java/laftg/Qbjoct.u<inlt>M:<>li 4: return

L-uhlir. static void o&in<java.lang.String{]>;


0:    lcsnst_l

1:    isto*e_l

2:    new 12; //class String

5:    dup

6:    invokespecial 83 //ttctltod jaua/lany/String.''<init>*<)U astor_2

18:    iload.l

11:    iconst_2

12:    ircn

13:    afne 22

16:    l<*c 4; //String First

18:    astore_2

IV:    goto 25

22:    ldc WD; //String Second

24:    etorej

25:    getstatic    116; //Field jAwa/lang/Systen.out:LJava/io/l>rintStrean;

28:    aload_2

29:    inwokevirtual 8?; //Method Jw/io/PrintStrean.printlnt<LJav<t/lnng/Str


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