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Saurastra University 2006 B.C.A Computer Application C - exam paper

Wednesday, 17 April 2013 01:00Web

SP-1886] one [Contd..
SP-1886 Seat No.__________
B. C. A. (Sem. IV) exam
April / May – 2006
C++ & OOP
Time : three Hours] [Total Marks : 100
1 Attempt any 4 : 20
(a) discuss Encapsulation and Polymorphism.
(b) Write a short note on CLASS and provide the difference
ranging from C++ Structure and CLASS.
(c) Write a short note on Memory Management Operator.
(d) discuss scope resolution operator.
(e) discuss Function Overloading.
2 Attempt any 4 : 20
(a) discuss Static Data Member and Static Member
(b) What is Friend Function? discuss with suitable example.
(c) What is constructor? discuss Copy Constructor.
(d) discuss Pointer to Member Function.
(e) explain different file stream classes.
3 Attempt any 2 : 20
(a) What is inheritance? explain it’s different forms in detail.
(b) Expain different data kind conversion from 1 class to
a different class kind.
(c) discuss Virtual Class and Virtual Function with suitable
4 Attempt any 4 : 20
(a) discuss different file opening mode.
(b) What is manipulator? discuss any 2 manipulators
with example.
(c) explain function template.
(d) discuss exception handling in C++.
(e) discuss subsequent function :
get ( ) write ( ) seekg( )
5 Attempt any 2 : 20
(i) describe a class distance to represent a distance in feet
and inch.
With overload operator β€˜+’ to compute sum of two
(ii) Write a program which accepts 2 file names as
command line arguments and append the content of first
file in the 2nd file.
(iii) Create a class learner having seatno & name as
member variables. Class test is derived from learner
and outcome class is derived from test. Test class accept
the 3 subject marks and in outcome class display the
total and percentage. Enter seatno, name and marks for
five learner and display the mark sheet for every
SP-1886] two [ 700 / 15-25 ]

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