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Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) 2007 Diploma Human Resource Mgt Term-End Enamination - Question Paper

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 04:40Web

(i) There are 2 Secfions A and B.
froms ectioAn' every
(rfi) Secfion B is comptulsory, and carries 40 morks.
part A
l. The industrial jurisprudence in India is based on three
sources the Constitution, legislative' enactments, and
judge-made legal regulations or judicial decisions. explain.
Ms-28@ P.T.O.
2. Attempt any 2 of the subsequent :
(a) elaborate the salient provisions of safety under the
Factories Act, L948 ?
(b) elaborate the health and safety measures under the
Mines Act, L952 ?
(c) elaborate the salient features of the Child Labour
(Prohibitiona nd RegulationA) ct, 1951 ?
3. What is the object of the Industrial Employment (Standing
Orders)A ct , L946 ? Discusst he proceduref or certification
of standing orders.
4. discuss the different benefits payable under the Workmen's
Compensation Act, L923. What is the meaning of the
expression "accidents arising out of and in the course of
employment". provide examples.
5. Attempt any 2 of the subsequent :
(a) Salient features of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
(b) Salient features of the Provident Fund Scheme,
(c) Salient features of the Maternity Benefit Act, 196L
6. What is meant by "conciliation", "adjudication", and
"voluntary arbitration", under the Industrial Disputes Act ?
7 . Write short notes on any 3 of the subsequent :
(a) Deductions under the Payment of Wages Act
(b) Strikes and lockout their legality and illegality
{c) Procedure for registration of a trade union
(d) Payment of Gratuity Act L972 eligibility and
amount of gratuity payable
{e} Fixing of statutory minimum rates of, wages
Ms-2o8 P.T.O.
8. learn the case beneath
end of the case.
part B
and ans the ques. provided at the
ANC is a composite textile mill employing over
8000 employees including officers. The mill has recently
modernised its technology and has introduced many cost
and labour saving devices. It has a very sophisticated
quality control department having many costly
equipments. The industrial relations in the Company has
been very smooth. The management also adopted a
welfare-ofiented approach towards its employees. The
company organised regular training and development
programmes as a part of its human resour ce development
efforts. The general morale and motivation level of
employees was quite high though symptoms of tension
and mistrust were hidden.
Mr. Anand is incharge of different costly equipments
used in the quality controi department. 1 day he used
the services of Mr. Borade, a worker, to clean the
equipments of different sizes and asked him to keep back
the equipments in the cupboard after cleaning them. This
had to be done as Mr. Anand had to attend the daily
co-ordination meeting with the General Manager of the
Company which cannot be ignored. When Mr. Anand
return€d, he did not check immediately the total
number of instruments as he did not have any doubt
about Mr. Borade's integrity. Mr. Borade is an old-timer
who served the Company honestly and sincerely.
After about 2 hours, Mr. Anand obtained a ,*uti but
costly measurement equipment was missing from the
cupboard. The initial search yielded no positive outcomes.
Mr. Anand accordingly informed the security about the
missing of the instrument. The securip staff suspected
Mr, Borade as he was the 1 who cleaned and put back
the instruments. When questioned, Mr. Borade denied the
charges. After initial questioning, Mr. Anand once again
separately requested Mr. Borade to say whether he saw
the missing instrument. Mr. Borade spoke privately to Mr.
Anand and admitted that by a shear loss of control of
mind he took away the instrument. He confessed that he
never did such a thing in the past in his 15 years of
seruice in the Company and knowing well that he couldn't
use the instmment, he still took it away. He pleaded for
mercy. Mr. Anand was at loss to understand what had
happened. He couldn't believe that a man who served the
Company faithfully could ever do such a thing like
stealing. He faced the worst crisis in his life. What should
he do now ?
Ms-2o8 P.T.O.
Quesfions :
(a) Advise Mr. Anand as to the nature of action to be
taken against Mr. Borade.
(b) Suggest to him different steps to be taken in a
disciplinary proceeding, in case of an enquiry, and
the nature of punishment to be awarded if the
charges are proved.
(c) Also advise Mr. Anand as to the principles of natural
justice to be followed in a domestic enquiry.
Ms-2o8 1,000

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