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Punjab Technical University 2006-3rd Sem M.C.A -ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Question Paper

Tuesday, 16 April 2013 04:35Web

4th Semester (2096)
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75

Note: Attempt ten ques. in all. one is compulsory.

Part-A (15x2=30)

1. (a) Illustrate 3 important AI techniques.
(b) What is our goal in trying to produce programs that do the
intelligent things that people do?
(c) What is production system & what is it consists of.
(d) How the A* algorithm works.
(e) Compare ranging from Best-first search & issue reduction.
(f) In good system for the representation of knowledge, which are the
4 properties domain should posses
(g) What is unification technique of prolong & how to use it.
(h) Compare Rule-Based & Case-Based reasoning.
(i) write recursive search in prolong?
(j) Draw Transition n/w definition of a definition of simple English
(k) How we describe Meta predicates in prolong?
(l) What is Rule_based expert system?
(m) Write various levels of symbolic analysis for natural language.
(n) Compare syntactic processing
(o) Draw ATN grammar that checks number agreement & builds a parse tree.

Part-B (5x9=45)

2. List & explain 2 potentially negative effects on society of the development of Artificial intelligence techniques
3. Discuss why do you think the issue of machine “learning” is so difficult?
4. Create a relationship database in PROLOG & represent the data tuples as rules
5. Represent the database in PROLOG database with suitable examples might be from stock in a department store or record in a personal office
6. Write and compare Procedural & Inferential Knowledge with diagram.
7. Give benefits for expert systems in terms of intellectual, social or financial outcomes
8. Write a PROLOG program to ans the questions(of any issue which you have learn in your textbook like Wirth`s “ I am my own grandfather” problem)
9. Explain rule-based system architecture for expert system.
10. Build a Case-Based reasoner for an application of your option.
11. Write down natural language application of the following: (i) Story understanding & questioning answers. (ii) Data base front end
12. Write down natural language application of the : Using learing algorithm to generalize Extracted info.
13. Discuss the representational structure & knowledge necessary to understand the subsequent sentence.
The brown dog ate the bone. Attach the large wheel to the axle with the hex nut.
Marry watered the plants. The spirit is willing but flesh is weak. My kingdom for a horse!

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