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Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) 2008 B.Tech Mechanical Engineering ME 606 Fundamentals of combustion Quiz I - Question Paper

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 03:50Web

ME 606 Fundamentals of combustion Quiz I

Date : 4.9.2008 Total marks: 40
Time: 8.00 – 8.50 a.m.

Instructions: (i) Attempt all issues
(ii) Combustion tables are permitted

Pb#1. Butane is burnt completely in a steady flow combustor at a mass- based A/F ratio of 20. The pressure within the combustor is maintained as one bar. At the inlet the fuel enters at 298 K and air enters at 600 K. The mass flow rate of Butane is 1.5 kg per hour. compute the following: (a) If the products leave at 1500 K, what is the rate of heat transfer for the combustor? (b) If the combustor is adiabatic, what is the product temperature? (Marks20)

Pb#2. (a) compute the mole fractions of the equilibrium products for the reaction
CO + ½O2 =CO2 at the set of conditions of one bar, 2000 K and also at one bar,2500 K.
(b) Similarly obtain the mole fractions of the equilibrium products for the reaction
H2 + ½O2 = H2O at one bar, 2000 K as well as one bar, 2500 K.
(c) explain briefly the implications of the outcomes that have been found.

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