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Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) 2007 B.Tech AM110-Engineering Mechanics,Quiz 1 - Question Paper

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 03:45Web

AM110-Engineering Mechanics,Quiz 1

Date:14th September 2007
Time :8:00 - 8:50

1)Answer all ques.
2)State clearly all the assumption and conventions used while answering your ques..

AM 110 Engineering Mechanics Quiz I

Time: 0800 - 0850 hrs.

Date: 14lh September 2007 Instructions:

1.    Answer all questions.

2.    State clearly all the assumptions and conventions used while answering your questions.

3.    Wish you all the best.

1. The following five sub-questions have only ONE right answer. Choose the right answer and indicate the same in your answer book.    (5x1 = 5)

(i) Which of the following statements is NOT a correct statement, with reference to a rigid body?

A)    A system can always be replaced by an equivalent single force and an equivalent single moment.

B)    The moment of a force is the sum of the moments of its components

C)    Real work can always be done in structures that are assembled with rigid bodies.

D)    A force may act at any point along its line of action without changing its effects on the rigid body.

(ii) The beam and the cable (with a frictionless pulley at D) support a 100 kg load at C as shown in Figure 1. For equilibrium, the tension in the cable must be

Figure 1

(A)    Cannot be determined from static


(B)    125 kg

(C)    91.7 kg

(D)    105.8 kg

(iii) Figure 2 is a sketch of a retaining wall structure used as an earth embankment. The vertical wall ABC and the bottom floor DCA act as a single unit. The earth that is retained has a density of y and the earth pressure exerted by the earth has a linear variation from zero at the top to yh at the bottom. The maximum height h of earth that the wall can retain without overturning about A, is given by


(A)/6x(L + 0.5x) (B)%/4x(L + 0.5x)

(C) j6x(L + x) (D)3x(L + 0.5x)


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