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Punjab Technical University 2009 M.C.A Pun Technical University PROGRAMMING IN C ( - 102) - Question Paper

Tuesday, 16 April 2013 12:55Web

Roll No. ......................
Total No. of ques. : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02
MCA (Semester - 1st)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) part - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 9 ques. from part - B
part - A
Q1) [Marks:(15 x two = 30)]
a) elaborate the advantages of data kind int over data kind double? What
are the advantages of kind double over kind int?
b) List any discuss 3 computational errors that may occur in kind double
c) What is the difference in meaning ranging from x3 and x[3]?
d) Identify the fault in the subsequent C statement
int x[8], i;
for (i = 0; i < = 8; ++i)
x[i] = i;
Will the fault be defected? If so when?
e) elaborate the 2 common ways of selecting array elements for
f) Differentiate ranging from dynamic and non dynamic data structures.
g) Input a date using C program and check if it is valid. Print messages
h) What is an array of pointers. discuss with examples.
i) How would you call a function scan_olympic passing competition as an
output argument.
j) Determine how may bytes are needed to store a structure of kind
hair_info_t, assuming 2 bytes for an integer and 1 byte for a character.
k) Indicate how the pointers are used to establish a link ranging from nodes.
l) Write the algorithmic steps for searching a binary search tree.
m) discuss opening and closing of files with examples.
n) What is dynamic memory allocation discuss in brief.
o) How bubble sort is various for selection sort.
J-3405[S-1261] 2
part - B
[Marks:(9 x five = 45)]
Q2) Write a for loop that would print the alphabet in lowercase letters, assuming
that letters have consecutive codes.
Q3) Write a program in C to print automorphic numbers. The automorphic number
is a number in which the square of the number contains the number in the end.
eg:- a) 5:25 b) 6:36
Q4) Write a program to calculate the mean and standard deviation of an array of
data and displays the difference ranging from every value .
Q5) Write a program using C to calculate transpose of a matrix.
Q6) What is the primary difference ranging from a structure and an array? Which would
you use to store the catalog desorption of a course and to store the names of
the students in the course.
Q7) Use pointer concept to write a program in C to obtain the length of a provided string
including blank spaces, tabs and other special symbols (new line character
should be data as a string terminating character)
Q8) Write a short note on Dynamic Memory Allocation with suitable examples.
Q9) Write a program in C to input book code, Title and price. provide always a
discount of 10%, obtain the net price and print it. Do this for any number of
Q10) Write a program in C to create and display a binary search tree of integer
Q11) Write a program in C to bubble sort the provided 10 numbers.
Q12) Write a short note on linear search.
Q13) Design an algorithm and draw its flow chart to convert a decimal number to
its hexadecimal equivalent.

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