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Punjab Technical University 2006-1st Sem M.B.A - PROGRAMMING IN C ___ ADHNT - Question Paper

Monday, 15 April 2013 11:05Web

ADHNT -104
ADHNT first Semester

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks:75

Note: This ques. paper has 2 parts A and B. part A is compulsory. Attempt any 9 ques. out of twelve from sectionB.

Section A
Short ans questions: Marks : two every

1. What are keywords and identifiers?
2. What is the purpose of break statement?
3. What do you mean by kind casting?
4. What do you mean by conditional operator?
5. What is the function of logical operator?
6. How 2 dimension arrays are represented in memory?
7. Explain jumping in/out of a loop.
8. What do you mean by array of pointers?
9. How does amount of storage depend upon kind and size of an array?
10. How are relational operators and logical operators related to 1 another?
11. What do you understand by function prototype?
12. How will you compare 2 strings?
13. How will you declare the kind of function?
14. What do you mean by the scope of variables?
15. Explain string handling functions in C. 2x15=30

Section B
1. Explain variable declaration in C with an example.
2. Write a program to demonstrate the different inctremental and decremental operations in C.
3. Define the subsequent
(a) Overflow and underflow
(b) Data kinds
4. What is the Print f function and compare it with the putchar () function.
5. Explain SWITCH statement with an example.
6. Write down a program to display the odd numbers from one to 100 using while loop.
7. Write down a program to initialize set of characters in the 1 dimensional character array and to display the contents of the provided array.
8. Define the following:
(a) Skipping part of a loop
(b) Formatted with arrays
9. Define the following:
(a) String handling function in C
(b) Function with arrays
10 Write a program to discuss recursion.
11 .write a program in C to obtain the factorial of a provided number using function declaration.
12. what do you mean by Category of functions and discuss nested functions.

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