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Punjab Technical University 2005 M.Tech Computer Science Advanced Database Management Systems - Question Paper

Sunday, 14 April 2013 10:40Web

(M. Tech. first SEMESTER)

Time three hours Maximum Marks: 100

Note:. Attempt any 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks.

1. Explain the concept of abstract data kinds and how they differ from traditional or base data kinds. What is the relationship ranging from a kind and a class in OO system.

2. (a) elaborate the 5 minimum attributes of an OO data model? define the difference ranging from early and late binding and how every affects the object oriented data model. provide examples.
(b) discuss how OO concepts affect database design. How does the OO environment affect the DBA’s role?

3. Explain a few of the most important problems in Data Warehouse implementation.

4. (a) What is data mining and how does it differ from traditional DSS tools?
(b) How does data mining work? explain the various phases in the data mining process.

5. (a) elaborate the different objectives of a data base system? discuss the architecture for a distributed data base.
(b) What is a distributed data base? What is the structure of the distributed data base?

6. What are the constructs used in the relational calculus? discuss every of them with examples.

7. (a) elaborate the 1st 3 normalization relational data base models? Why normalization of data required?
(b) elaborate the different recovery procedures for the data base? discuss with examples.

8. Given the subsequent relational scheme:
Enroll (S#, C#, Section) S# represents the learner number
Teach (prof., C#, Section) C# represents course number
Advice (prof., S#) prof. is thesis advisor of S#
Pre-Req (C#, Pre-req#)
Grade(S#, C#, Grade, Year)
learner (S#, Sname) Sname is learner name

Express the subsequent in SQL:
(a) List all students tasking courses with Anita And Sunita.
(b) List all students taking at lowest 1 course that their advisor teaches.

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