Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) 2010 B.C.A Computer Application HP University - Question Paper
BCA HP University
8977 B.C.A. lllrdYear Examination (April 2010) Computer Graphics Paper: BCA-307
Regular: 80 ICDEOL: 100
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks :
The candidates shall limit their answers precisely within the answer-book (40 pages) issued to them and no supplementary/ continuation sheet will be issued.
Note : Attempt any five questions.
1. (a) What are the attributes of a good interface design ? 8(10) (b) Difference between Random and Raster scan algorithm. 8(10)
2. (a) What arc the Impact and Non-impact printers? Explain anv one type of these printers.
(b) What arc Drum plotters? Explain the various components of Drum plotters. 8(10)
3. Explain the terms : Text Clipping , Antialiasing. Filter Techniques. 16(20)
4. Explain the properties of Ellipse. Explain Mid-point Ellipse algorithm 16(2.0)
5. Write notes on the following :
(a) Window to view port Coordinate transformation.
(b) Bresenham's Circle algorithm. 16(20)
5. Explain the terms . Plasma Panel, Frame Buffer, Direct View Storage Tube and Shadow Mask. 16(20)
-7. (a) Give composite transformation matrix for scaling operation. 8(10)
(b) What are Interactive graphics systems? Differentiate between Interactive and Passive graphics. 8(10)
Explain Liang -Barshy algorithm " 16(20)
>. F:\plam the difference between Translation. Rotation and Scaling, giving example. 16(20)
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