Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) 2011-1st Year B.C.A Computer Application Time 3 hours FUNDAMENTAL OF COMPUTER AD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - exam paper
Tuesday, 22 January 2013 02:30Web
1. How is the development of computers divided into generations? elaborate the various generations of computer explaining with suitable example? [Marks 16]
2. What is the need of cache in computer? Differentiate ranging from PROM and EPROM.List out the properties of storage unit of computer system. [Marks 16]
3. What is an Auxiliary storage device? List out the printers available in your college with their characteristics.[marks 16]
4. Differentiate between:
(a) Impact and non-impact printers.
(b) Inkjet and Laser printer.[marks 16]
5. What is software? discuss its need. Differentiate ranging from Application software and System software. [Marks 16]
6. List out different operating system with their files and directory structures naming rules. Differentiate ranging from FAT and NTFS. [Marks 16]
7. What is communication? discuss the basic elements of data communication system. Differentiate ranging from LAN and WAN. [Marks 16]
8. discuss different network topologies. What is Internet? define its features. How is it various from intranet? [Marks 16]
UNIT-5 (Compulsory Questions)
9. discuss briefly
(a) What is anti-virus? discuss its working principle.
(b) Write short note on Flash memory.
(c) Differentiate ranging from Machine language and assembly language.
(d) discuss the working principle of Fiber optics.
(e) Differentiate ranging from Printer and Plotter.
(f) provide merits of Application software.
(g) discuss Instruction set.
(h) Differentiate ranging from Broad Band and Leased line.[marks 16]
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