Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) 2012-2nd Year B.C.A Computer Application Internet and web technology time: 3 hours - Question Paper
Tuesday, 22 January 2013 02:15Web
Note: Attempt two ques. every from part-A and part-B. ques. No.9 is compulsory.
1 a) Write a note on the evolution of internet. [Marks 8]
b) elaborate the different advantages of using internet? [Marks 8]
2 discuss briefly the different kinds of internet connections. [Marks 16]
3 a) what is meant by gateway and routing? [Marks 8]
b) explain any 1 exterior gateway protocol. [Marks 8]
4 a) what is a domain name? How can you get it registered? [Marks 8]
b) explain the bit trend used in IP-addressing. [Marks 8]
5 a) discuss the structure of an HTML document. [Marks 8]
b) How can image be used for creating a link? [Marks 8]
6 a) How will you insert a Table in an HTML document. [Marks 8]
b) discuss with a suitable example the concept of Row span and Col span in tables. [Marks 8]
7. discuss in detail the internal and external links used in HTML. [Marks 16]
8. Write a descriptive note on style sheets. discuss with an example how an external style sheet can be linked to an HTML document. [Marks 16]
9. Attempt any four parts:
a) Ordered lists in HTML
c) Search engines
d) Forms in HTML
f) Advantages of CSSs.
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