Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University 2008 B.C.A Computer Application ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - Question Paper
Tuesday, 22 January 2013 12:40Web
TIME : three HOURS.
Objective kind questions:-
1.Attempt all ques..Each ques. carries 1.5 marks.
(i).When and where was the Earth Summit was held?
(ii).What is the name of national animal of India?
(iii).Which heavy metal is related with the minimata diseae?
(iv).Name ozone depleting chemical substance?
(v).Write the name of the women pioneer of chipko moment?
Fill in the blanks:-
(vi).Rajaji national park is located in .......................state.
(vii).The environmental (protection) act was promulgated in India in the year...................
(viii).International biodiversity day is celebrated on th date of ....................
Write actual or false:-
(ix).The use of fire crackers is not permitted ranging from 6.00 pm and 10.00 pm on the diwali day under the legal regulations.(True/False)
(x).AIDS can pass from the infected person to other person by a contaminated syringe.(False/True)
2.Attemp any 4 sub-questions from the subsequent.Each sub-question carries 7.5 marks.
(i).Discuss the causes of loss of biodiversity.
(ii).Discuss the measures of water conservation.
(iii).Describe breifly non-convensional energy sources.
(iv).Discribe major components of an ecosystem with a suitable diagram.
(v).What are the major sources of air pollution in your town?
(vi).Write down the duties of citizen for protection of the environment.
3.Answer any 2 sub-questions. every sub-question caries 15 marks.
(i).Discuss the causes and effect of global warming.
(ii).Write ann essay on the conservation of forest resource in India.
(iii).Discuss the concept and major components of sustainable development.
(iv).Describe Bhopal Gas Trajedy.
4.Field work carries 25 marks.
Write a detailed report on any fieldwork (study of any ecosystem/study of polluted site/documentation of environmental assets of local area) undertaken by you by different sub-headings - Aim and Objectives, Methodology, Study site/Ecosystem; observation and conclusion.
Earning: Approval pending. |