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Punjab Technical University 2009 B.Pharm First Semester (ember-) Computer Science and Applications - Question Paper

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 04:50Web

B. Pharm (PTU)
First Semester exam (December-2009)
Computer Science and Applications

Time: three Hours Maximum Marks: 80

Note: 1) part A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 4 ques. from part B.
3) Attempt any 3 ques. from part C.


Ques one a) Add the subsequent binary numbers 1111,1111. (15×2=30)
Ques one b) Differentiate ranging from semiconductor and magnetic core memory.
Ques one c) What do you mean by operating system?
Ques one d) Differentiate ranging from LAN and WAN.
Ques one e) Write basic features of object-oriented languages.
Ques one f) Write a note on mail merge feature of MS-word.
Ques one g) Write applications of computer in drug info system.
Ques one h) Differentiate ranging from compiler and interpreters.
Ques one i) What do you mean by virus?
Ques one j) Write a note on cache memory.
Ques one k) What is an array?
Ques one l) Differentiate ranging from high level and low level languages.
Ques one m) Draw a flow chart to add 2 numbers.
Ques one n) Convert from decimal to octal (169)10 = (...........)g?
Ques one o) Differentiate ranging from bounded and unbounded communication.


Ques 2) What do you mean by computer? discuss its characteristics. (4×5=20)

Ques 3) elaborate the major difference ranging from DOS and window?

Ques 4) What is a loop? discuss all kinds of loops with the help of suitable example in "C".

Ques 5) discuss objectives and kinds of graphics.

Ques 6) discuss network topologies.


Ques 7) discuss OSI reference model. (3×10=30)

Ques 8) define basic steps involved in software development.

Ques 9) discuss pharmaceutical applications of computer.

Ques 10) Write a detailed note on computer generations.

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