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Punjab Technical University 2010 B.Pharm Second Semester (ember-) Pharmaceutics-I - Question Paper

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 04:45Web

B. Pharm (PTU)
Second Semester exam (December-2010)

Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 80

Note: 1) part A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 4 ques. from part B.
3) Attempt any 3 ques. from part C.

Ques 1a) What is meant by superscript in a prescription?
Ques 1b) Write the formula for calculating dose of a child with respect to his body surface area?
Ques 1c) What is meant by 25Under proof?
Ques 1d) elaborate throat paints?
Ques 1e) elaborate clear gels?
Ques 1f) What is a proprietary medicine?
Ques 1g) What is an isotonic solution?
Ques 1h) What is a tolerated incompatibility?
Ques 1i) Differentiate ranging from ointments and pastes.
Ques 1j) What is density factor and why is it determined?
Ques 1k) elaborate suppositories?
Ques 1l) Why phenol glycerine should not be diluted with water?
Ques 1m) Why tetracycline should not be administered with milk?
Ques 1n) Cannon staining iodine ointment be prepared using mineral oil? Why?
Ques 1o) describe syrup USP.

Ques 2) Enumerate the steps involved in processing a prescription?

Ques 3) Highlight the problems related to the oath of a pharmacist.

Ques 4) elaborate diffusible and indiffusible solids? How are indiffusible solids dispensed in mixtures?

Ques 5) elaborate inhalations? explain the preparation of inhalations and their advantages.

Ques 6) Write briefly about the incompatibilities of spirits and elixirs.

Ques 7) A solution of the subsequent formula is to be made isotonic with lachrymal fluid:
Naphazoline HC1 0.02%
Zinc sulphate 0.25%
Purified water qs 30ml

provided that the depression in freezing point of Naphazoline HCl (1%) is 0.14° and that of zinc sulphate (1%) is 0.086°, compute the volume of sodium chloride needed to make the solution isotonic with lachrymal fluid.

Ques 8) What is meant by physical incompatibility? How are the tolerated and adjusted incompatibilities corrected?

Ques 9) elaborate melting, dissolving and emulsifyable suppository bases (give examples). Write briefly about every class of these bases mentioning their application and limitations.

Ques 10) A pharmacist wants to mix solutions containing 10%, 20%, 50% and 80% w/v concentrations of a drug. In what proportions should every of these solutions be mixed so as to find 300ml of a solution containing 35% w/v concentration of the drug.

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