Punjab Technical University 2010 B.Pharm Second Semester (ember-) Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education-I - Question Paper
Tuesday, 09 April 2013 04:25Web
B. Pharm (PTU)
Second Semester exam (December-2010)
Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education-I
Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 80
Note: 1) part A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 4 ques. from part B.
3) Attempt any 3 ques. from part C.
Ques 1a) Write the functions of endoplasmic reticulum.
Ques 1b) provide the examples of ball and socket joints.
Ques 1c) Differentiate adipose and aerolar tissues.
Ques 1d) Draw ECG.
Ques 1e) Name the universal donor and universal acceptor of blood.
Ques 1f) describe serum.
Ques 1g) Write the composition of blood.
Ques 1h) Differentiate plasma and serum.
Ques 1i) Name the tissues lined by transitional epithelium.
Ques 1j) Write the functions of nucleus.
Ques 1k) Draw the structure of neuron.
Ques 1l) What is congestive heart failure?
Ques 1m) Write the function of lymphatic system with respect to drainage.
Ques 1n) What is sarcomere?
Ques 1o) What do you understand by hypertension?
Ques 2) Differentiate smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles.
Ques 3) Write a note on heart sounds.
Ques 4) Write various kinds of epithelial tissues.
Ques 5) Draw and tag human cell.
Ques 6) Write the functions of lymphatic system.
Ques 7) discuss in sliding theory of muscle contraction.
Ques 8) discuss physiology and functions of spleen.
Ques 9) Write a note on various kinds of connective tissues.
Ques 10)Explain the cardiac cycle.
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