Punjab Technical University 2010-2nd Sem B.Pharm A Pharmaceutical chemistry IInd - Question Paper
Tuesday, 09 April 2013 04:20Web
B. Pharm (PTU)
Second Semester exam (December-2010)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II
Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 80
Note: 1) part A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 4 ques. from part B.
3) Attempt any 3 ques. from part C.
Ques 1a) Name any 5 physical properties of liquids which are helpful in deciding the chemical constitution of liquids.
Ques 1b) provide 1 definition of 2nd legal regulations of thermodynamics.
Ques 1c) What is kinetic gas equation?
Ques 1d) What happens to the surface tension of a liquid at its critical temperature?
Ques 1e) describe equivalent conductance.
Ques 1f) elaborate ideal and real gases?
Ques 1g) What is enzyme catalysis? provide example.
Ques one h) What is Lambert-Beer law?
Ques 1i) describe the term Gibb's free energy.
Ques 1j) Why is it necessary to platinize the electrode of a conductivity cell before it is used for conduction measurement?
Ques 1k) What is refractive index?
Ques 11) Absolute temperature scale.
Ques 1m) describe colligative property. provide examples.
Ques 1n) discuss the term viscosity and viscosity coefficient.
Ques 1o) describe dipole moment with example.
Ques 2) elaborate the postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases? .
Ques 3) What is Parachor ? provide 1 example to show its use in molecular structure determination.
Ques 4) Write short note on Debey-Hukel theory of electrolyte conductance.
Ques 5) explain 3rd legal regulations of thermodynamics with its significance.
Ques 6) compute the molar refraction of acetic acid (CH3COOH) at temperature at which its density is 1.046g/cm3. The experimentally observed value of refractions index at this temperature is 1.3715 (Molecular mass of acetic acid = 60).
Ques 7) Name and state the legal regulations governing the distribution of a solute ranging from 2 immiscible liquids. explain the application of this legal regulations in the process of solvent extraction.
Ques 8) discuss what you understand by "reaction order" and "overall reaction order". How would you establish that reaction is 1st order?
Ques 9) Solve the Schrodinger wave formula for a particle in a 1 dimensional box and obtain the expression for the energy.
Ques 10) explain in detail the Jablenski diagram.
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