Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University 2009 B.Com Principle of management - Question Paper
Tuesday, 22 January 2013 12:20Web
1.How many principle of Management were laid down by Henry Fayol ?
(a) six (b) eight (c) 12 (d) 14
2.Organization is a group of:
(a) persons (b) families (c) leaders (d) countries
3.Decentralization of authority is possible by:
(a) Co-ordination (b) Delegation (c) Motivation (d) control
4.True/False: "Management is not the direction of things."
5.True/False: "workers participation in management is a financial incentive
6. What do you understand by Leadership in business? explain its characteristics and styles?
7.Explain the Need of departmentation.
8.Distinguish ranging from management and organization.
9.Distinguish ranging from centralization and decentralization.
10.write a short note on span of control.
11.Give the important steps involved in decision-making?
12. What do you understand by Management? explain its functions.
13.Explain and compare the contribution of Taylor and fayol to management thought.
14."No delegation is complete without a clear understanding of duties,authority and obligation."Explain. What difficulties frequently arise in delegation in true practice?
15.Define the term control.what are the elements of control?How can it be secured?
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