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Punjab Technical University 2005 B.E Computer Science Network Operating System - Question Paper

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 04:25Web

IT 308 sixth Sem


Max marks 60

Max Time three Hours

Note: part A is compulsory. Attempt any 4 ques. from part B and 2 from part C.
part A Marks two every

(a) List hardware requirements for Win-NT
(b) Which all software can be installed on Win-NT Server? provide any five.
(c) What is the difference ranging from a server and a client?
(d) What is Ethernet used for?
(e) provide main advantage of FDDI.
(f) What is meant by remote access services?
(g) What is Telnet used for?
(h) What is primary domain controller?
(i) How is work group configured on Win-NT server?
(j) Which operating system was launched after Win-NT?

part B Marks five every

2. elaborate the role and responsibilities of network administration?

3. What type of licensing is needed by Win-NT server and clients?

4. What is a network protocol? discuss the network model used by win-NT?

5. How are backups maintained by Win-NT server?

6. analyze the performance of FDDI and Ethernet.

part C Marks 10 every

7. discuss the Win-NT Service and Security Architecture.

8 (a) explain the ATM technologies for networks.
(b) Which file system is used in Win-NT? discuss.

9 (a) What is meant by distributed file system?
(b) discuss how groups and users are managed in win-NT.

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