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Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University 2005 B.Sc Computer Science 103 Computer Fundamentals

Tuesday, 22 January 2013 10:55Web

F. Y. M. Sc. (CA & IT) exam
March / April - 2005
103 – Computer Fundamental &
Programming in C
Time : three Hours] [Total Marks : 35

1 Attempt any 2 : 8
(1) Design a flow chart that reads in integers until a 0 is entered, if it encounters 0 as input then it should display :
- total No of even and odd integer
- avg. values of even integers
- avg. values of odd integers.
(2) Explain Bitwise operators with example
(3) Give advantage and disadvantage of various kinds of Language.

2 Attempt any two 8
(1) Write a complete C program to printing the 1st 10 Fibonacci series
(2) Write a complete C program to display total issued and available books (Make structure with name, price and issue_status which must be Bit field)
(3) Explain for-loop and while with suitable example.

3 Write a complete C program for sorting of n integer 7
(Make necessary UDF)
3 Write a complete C program for make UDF of string
comparison (Don’t use inbuild function)

4 Attempt any 2 : 6
(1) Differentiate in Af( ) Vs. int (Af) ( )
(2) Structure Vs. Union
(3) Function Vs. Macros

5 Explain the function with example : 6
(a) F printg (b) f eof (c) remove
5 Explain the graphical function with example :
(a) initgraph (b) outtextxy (c) arc


F. Y. M. Sc. (CA & IT) exam
August - 2005
103 – Computer Fundamental &
Programming in C
Time : three Hours] [Total Marks : 35

1 Attempt any 2 : 8
(1) Differentiate Machine, Assembly and Higher Level Language
(2) Write the steps for solution of issue
(3) Explain preprocessor statement.

2 Attempt any 2 : 9
(1) Write a complete C program for printing the subsequent trend
for provided n values.
Ex. n = three *
* *
* * *
(2) Write a complete C program to calculating and printing total
salary of n employees. (Make structure with name, sal, sex,
take sex as a bit field)
(3) Write a complete C program to calculating frequency of every
character for provided a string.

3 Write a complete C program to make strcat and strlen (don’t use inbuilt 6
3 Write a complete C program to obtain and print maximum with its index
among provided n integer values. (Use Array)

4 Attempt : (any two) 6
(1) Differentiate int a [10] Vs (*a) [10]
(2) By value Vs. by Reference parameter
(3) Structure Vs. Union

5 Explain the function with example : 6
(a) fseek
(b) rewind
(c) fscant
5 Explain the graphical function with example :
(a) initgraph
(b) setfillstyle
(c) fillpoly


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