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Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University 2004 B.Sc Computer Science 103 Computer Fundamentals

Tuesday, 22 January 2013 10:50Web
int x = 100, b = 0;
b = (x>=100) ? x/2 : x/3;

(d) Find and show syntax errors (if any) 2
main( )
int x = 100; y = 20; a = 100;
cls( )
printf(“%d %d”, x);
y = getchar( );
while (x = 100)
x + +;
y + = a;


DC-2503 Seat No.___
1st Year M. Sc. (CA. & IT) exam
March/April - 2004
Computer Fundamental & Prog. In "C" :
Paper No.- 103
Time : three Hours] [Total Marks : 35
1 (a) Attempt any 3 : 9
(1) explain the Advantages of pointers with example.
(2) List the various kinds of operators available in "C".
explain Bit wise opera¬tor with example.
(3) What is Recursion Function ? explain its advantages and disadvantages with example.
(4) discuss provided terms :
(1) Compiler
(2) # describe
(3) Header file.
(5) explain the difference ranging from while and DO..... while loop with suitable example.
(b) Draw a flowchart for check provided no. is 2
prime or not.

2. Attempt any 2 : 8
(1) Write a "C" program for Display provided type of structure using while
loop, if n = five then
2 4
five 9
one 7
eight nine 12 three 4567
(2) Write a program for checking provided string is palindrome or not.
(Note ; Do not use library function from string, h file, Make U. D. F.
for string length, string compare, & Reverse string).
(3) Write a program to compute the value of sum for the subsequent series :
1357 — - — + — - — + ............. nterms.
--- --- -- --
0! 2! 4! 6!
3. Write a program for Matrix multiplication. learn the 2 5
Matrix from Input file In. dat & provide the outcome in output, txt.
3. Create a structure customer. Which contain customer no, name, Due amount. Inmain function create An array of pointer to provided structure customer. Use dynamic memory assignment and input n number of customer in formation. Display provided info in descending order of due amount.

4 provide output for provided code : 8
(1) int a, b, c, d;
a = 5;
b = a/2;
c = 10;
print f ("value of A : B ; C -> % d : % d : % d", ++a, b++, c+ = 5);
d = ++a + b- - + b- - + (++c);
print f ("value of A : B : C -> % d : % d : % d \ n", a, b, c);
print f ("value of D -> % d \ n", d / b);
(2) int i = 1, j = 2, k = 3, Test;
while (i < 5)
i ? (Test = j) : (Test = k);
print f ("Test -> % d \ n", Test);
while (j < 5)
while (k > 0)
i = k+ 1;
} break;
print f ("I, J, K, Test -> % d, % d, % d, % d" i, j, k, Test);

(3) int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i < = 5; i + +)
switch (i)

case one : print f (" 1"); *
case two : print f ("2");
case3 : print f ("3");
case four : print f(" 4");
case five :printf("5\ n"); one
(4) int i = 0;
char Test [10], * p;
p = Test;
while (i < 10)
Test [i] = i +- 65;
for (p+=g; i>0; p-- , j - -)
print f("%c", *p);

5 Attempt any 2 : 3
(1) Difference ranging from structure & Union.
(2) discuss Break & continue on statement.
5 Discuss provided graphic function with example:
Initgraph ( );
out text xy ( );
draw poly ( );

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You are here: PAPER Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University 2004 B.Sc Computer Science 103 Computer Fundamentals