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Punjab Technical University 2006 B.B.A Merchant Banking - Question Paper

Monday, 08 April 2013 05:10Web

Roll No.:______________ Total No. of Pages: 3

5th / sixth Semester (2096)
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Note: 1. ques. paper consist of 2 Sections, A and B
2. part A is compulsory and contains 15 parts.
ans every part from part A in 40-60 words. every part of part A is of two marks.

3. Attempt any 9 ques. from part B. every ques. from part B is of marks

Section A (15x2=30)
1. (a) What is the difference ranging from book value and market value of a firm?
(b) What is meant by private placement?
(c) Outline the functions of ICRA?
(d) discuss the importance of Credit rating.
(e) What is the importance of social Cost benefit Analysis?
(f) explain the importance of Factoring.
(g) Enumerate the different features of venture capital.
(h) Differentiate ranging from leasing and hire?
(i) Outline the importance of merchant bankers?
(j) What is meant by consortium finance?
(k) elaborate the factors which affect credit rating?
(l) elaborate the functions of portfolio manager?
(m) What is meant by loan syndication?
(n) Differentiate ranging from sell off and divestiture?

Section- B

2. explain the role and function of Merchant Banker. 5
3. What is meant by Acquisition / takeover? elaborate the requirements for a take over offer? 5
4. elaborate credit rating agencies? Write a note on role and objectives of CRISIL 5
5. elaborate the different stages of a project life cycle? provide unique feature of every stage. 5
6. discuss the importance and functions of Venture Capital Companies? Comment on the current status of Venture capital companies in India. 5
7. elaborate the different steps for designing and pricing of instrument for a public issue? 5
8. explain the SEBI guidelines for Merchant Banking Institution in India. 5
9. elaborate the functions of a factor? discuss the different kinds of factoring. 5
10. elaborate the different steps in appraisal of a project? discuss. 5
11. What is meant by leasing? discuss the different kinds of leasing business. 5
12. elaborate the different sources for long term finance for a company? 5
13. Write a note on role of SEBI relating to problem management. 5

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