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Punjab Technical University 2010 B.B.A keting management [b0108] - Question Paper

Monday, 08 April 2013 09:15Web

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Paper ID [B0108]

[Total No. of Pages : 02

Roll No...........................

Total No. of Questions : 13]

(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)

BBA (BB - 202) (S05) (O) (Sem. - 2nd) MARKETING MANAGEMENT

Maximum Marks : 75

Time : 03 Hours

Instruction to Candidates:

1)    Section - A is Compulsory.

2)    Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A

(152 = 30)


a)    Define Marketing.

b)    Define Production Concept.

c)    Define Advertising.

d)    Define Sales Promotion.

e)    Define Marketing Mix.

f)    How do marketers differentiate product?

g)    Define Brand.

h)    Define Communication Mix.

i)    Define Product Life Cycle. j)    Define Personal Selling.

k)    Define Skimming Pricing.

l)    Define Marketing Information Concept.

m)    Define Buying Roles.

n)    Define Marketing Research.

Q2) Explain the evolution of marketing.

Q3) Explain different factors influencing Consumer Behaviour.

Q4) Define Market segmentation and discuss various basis for segmentation. Q5) Explain the process of new product development and its different stages. Q6) Explain various factors affecting marketing environment.

Q7) Explain various advertising media available to a firm.

Q8) Explain S ervice s Marketing Mix in detail.

Q9) Define Marketing Distribution channels and explain factors affecting the choice of distribution channels.

Q1O) What is Marketing Control? Explain its scope.

Q11) Define the role and limitations of Marketing Research.

Q12) Define SBU. What guidelines are to be followed while setting these SBUs?

Q13) What is product packaging? What are its objectives?

A-16    P


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