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Maharashi Dayanand University (MDU) 2008 M.B.A Business Administration Management Processes

Sunday, 07 April 2013 04:55Web


Q:1 What are the 4 major functions of management ? Is planning the most important
function ? If so why?

Q:2 What are a few of the specific social problems which are being debated as responsibility of
business rather than the responsibility of the society itself ?


Q:3 Explain in detail the different steps involved in the formation of organizational structure.
Also discuss flat organization structure.

Q:4 elaborate a few of the common errors committed in decision making and how these errors
can be avoided ?


Q:5 What are the advantages and imitations of PERT and CPM methods ? provide examples?

Q:6 Compare and contrast McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. elaborate a few examples of
managerial practices that are consistent with a theory Y philosophy of human nature ?


Q;7 Is the typical classroom means of transferring info from professor to learner an
effective form of communication ?

Q:8 Write detailed notes on :
(a)Process of conducting meeting;
(b)Public speaking.

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