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Maharashi Dayanand University (MDU) 2007 B.E Information Technology COMPUTER GRAPHICS - Question Paper

Sunday, 07 April 2013 07:25Web



1.(a) Draw the block diagram and discuss the working of a raster display system ? Differentiate ranging from horizontal retrace and vertical retrace.
(b) Write the steps needed to plot a line whose slope is ranging from 0 and 45 degree using Bresenham's method.
2 Brifly discuss the subsequent display techniques:
(!) CRT (!!) LCD (!!!) Plasma
also compare their features.
3 (a) Derive the transformation that rotates an object point 0 about the origin. Write the matrix representation for this.
(b) Write and discuss briefly the Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.
4 (a) Show what happens when an object"behind" the center of projection is projected by Mperspective and then clipped why in general 1 can't project and then clip.
(b) What do you mean by Co-ordinate system and logical co-ordinate system.
5 Why we require hidden surface removal algorithms? Write and discuss the scan-line method for hidden surface removal? How the amount of calculation can be decreased in this method?
6 (a) Where has the term "Spline " originated from? DIfferentiate b/w uniform non rational B-spline and non uniform non rational B-spline with suittable examples?
(b) Briefly discuss any method for displaying bicubic surfaces.
7 Differentiate b/w diffuse and specular reflection? Also discuss Phong illumination model.
8 What is an image ? How quality of an image can be improved with filtering?
9 Write and discuss the flood fill algorithm?

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