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Maharashi Dayanand University (MDU) 2008 B.E Information Technology Computer Network - Question Paper

Sunday, 07 April 2013 07:00Web

Computer Network


1.Give a brief history of the computer network and thus discuss the role of ARPNET in building the way for today's huge network.
2.Briefly define the LAN and WAN.
3.what is thw diffrance ranging from standards and protocols.
4.Describe the functioning of the ISO,thus write the purpose of the OSI model.write the purpose of every of the layers and the protocols if any used at those layers.
5.explain purpose and the functioning of the networking layer of OSI model.
6.Explain any 1 routing algorithm.
7.what is an Internet protocols. write the format of the IP.
8.Describe the IPv4 and the various classes of the IP addresses.
9.what do you understand by the term topology? define any 3 LAN topologies.
10.write short notes on any 2 of the followings:-
(a) Email
(b) ARP
(c) HDLC.

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