Maharashi Dayanand University (MDU) 2009-8th Sem B.E Information Technology NETWORK TECHNOLOGY - - Question Paper
B.E. eighth SEM (I.T)
exam - MAY-09
PAPER - IT-465-E
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Paper :iT-465-E1 .
Time : Three hours J . / Maximum Maries: 100
Before answering the question, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question papgr. No complaint in this regard, will be entertained after examination.
Note: Attempt any five '.questions. All questions carry equal marks. .; ;
1. (a) What is Network Management ? List its five
functions, 8
(b) What is SMI'& MIB 7Discuss1 these terms in referenceto SNMP1 with1:'its' complete Format . packet , . / *,;* .. \ 12
I..- ' .
2. (a) Sow is an ATM .virtual connection identified ?
(b) Discuss' the' key/ieatuWof" pat'a bulferblock1 of 8251 A;' ' :-|o'
2715-850*(P.3)(Q8)(09) ' . \\\ P. T, O.
3. Differentiate between: 5x 4
(a) Synchronous and asynchronous modems
.(b) WWW and internet
(c) Substitution ciphers and Transposition ciphers
(d) Serial and parallel communication
4. What are..Error -correcting. codes ? How are they different from error detection codes ? Discuss CRC in
detail. What id-.the' I'emainder obtained by dividing x7
+ x5 +1 by the generator polynomial jfV 1. 20
5. (a) What are., the various tools available on the
internet- for searching ? Explain Archie and Mosaic.' *'1 , 10
(bj What are, scripts ?, Discuss their usage. Write a javai Script statement that 10
(i) performs the addition of a variable a and a variable b to variable c.
(ii) display the message "Hello" using a window object- . 1
6. (a) Describe basic Ethernet frame format. Discuss the
limitations .of Ethernet, Also differentiate between half duplex and full duplex frame transmission. 12
.(b) What are the services provided by the ISDN? Discuss its architecture. 8
7. What' are;i the' various 'issuesfor designing the TCP/IP j layers.1 anjd what ,-1( are. the reasons for using layered architecture ? Discuss the TCP/IP reference model in detail., | 20
8. (a) What is Remote Procedure Call? Discuss its basic functional model. 10
(b) Discuss the principle and key features of transmitter andreceiver for IBASE5 10
2715*05O'(P-3)(Q-8)(O9) (3)
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Earning: Approval pending. |