Maharashi Dayanand University (MDU) 2007 B.E WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY - Question Paper
Sunday, 07 April 2013 06:20Web
B.E. first Semester (New Scheme) exam
Paper –ME-121-D
Time allowed: three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note: Attempt any 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks.
1. (a) Differentiate ranging from Plant Layout and Shop Layout. Why a combination layout is preferred? 10
(b) discuss different kinds of manufacturing processes with examples. 10
2. (a) elaborate commonly used hand tools in carpentry shop? Sketch and discuss any five. 10
(b) Sketch and tag parts of a micrometer, mention its kinds lowest count and material. 10
3. (a) What is an accident? elaborate the kinds of accidents? How accidents can be prevented in a machine shop? 10
(b) What do you mean by 1st Aid? discuss classification of fires and their extinguishers. 10
4. (a) What is a pattern? Why allowances are given on a pattern? discuss the different kinds of allowances with neat sketch. 10
(b) elaborate causes and remedies of the commonly obtained casting defects? 10
5. (a) Classify different welding processes. 5
(b) discuss the technique, equipment and their applications in Resistance welding. 15
6. (a) elaborate the characteristics and uses of Coolent in the machine? 10
(b) How do N/C machine differs from conventional machine? 5
(c) Write the advantages and limitations of unconventional machining processes. 5
7. (a) elaborate advantages and limitations of power metallurgy processes? 5
(b) Differentiate ranging from blanking and punching processes. 5
(c) explain the different kinds of metal forming processes. 10
8. Write short notes on any four: 20
(a) Extrusions
(b) Welding Defects
(c) Fluxes used in welding processes
(d) Method of moulding
(e) Hot working and cold working
Earning: Approval pending. |