Maharashi Dayanand University (MDU) 2005 B.E WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY - Question Paper
Sunday, 07 April 2013 06:10Web
B.E. first Semester (New Scheme) Examination, May -2005
Paper –ME-121-D
Time allowed: three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note: Attempt any 5 ques..
1. (a) discuss how study of Workshop Technology is helpful for Engineers. 6
(b) Differentiate ranging from Production and Manufacturing. provide the different examples to discuss various kinds of manufacturing processes. 14
2. (a) What is 1st Aid? Why a workshop requires a 1st Aid box? elaborate the contents of a 1st Aid box? 10
(b) elaborate the causes of Industrial Fire? How can it be prevented? 10
3. (a) Sketch and write the applications of any 5 hand tools used in a Forging Shop. 10
(b) Draw the sketch of a Vernier Micrometer, tag its parts, materials and write its accuracies (i.e. lowest count) and uses. 10
4. (a) elaborate the allowances given on patterns? discuss with sketch. Name the trend making materials. 10
(b) Sketch a raw casting along with its constituents and tag them. Write the functions of Risers and Chaplets. 10
5. (a) Write specifications of Lathe 10
(b) Write characteristics and functions of coolant. 10
6. (a) What is welding? discuss with sketches different classification of Resistance welding. 10
(b) What is Electrode? elaborate its types? Write the application of various kinds of Electrodes. 10
7. (a) elaborate the commonly used tools in sheet metal working? discuss how they are used? 10
(b) Differentiate among Blanking, Punching and Piercing. 10
8. Write short notes on any three: 20
(a) Write drawing
(b) Production of Metal powders
© Principles of Hot working
(d) Casting defects.
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