Guru Nanak Dev University 2007 B.C.A Computer Application t Operating system - Question Paper
Tuesday, 22 January 2013 06:10Web
BCA Part-III Sept 2007(GNDU)
Operating system
Time allowed-Three Hours Maximum Marks:100
Note: Attempt any 5 ques..All ques. carry equal marks. [20 marks each]
1. (a) What do you mean by an Operating System and the importance of Operating system?
(b) discuss Time Sharing and Real Time Systems.
2. In a few situations, a change in the state of 1 process may reason a change in state of a different process. discuss all such situations.
3. What do you mean by process scheduling? discuss priority based scheduling.
4. (a) What do you mean by paging? Distinguish ranging from paging and segmentation.
(b) explain memory fragmentation.
5. (a) discuss page replacement policies.
(b) discuss Thrashing.
(c) discuss Swapping.
6. elaborate semaphores? elaborate the various kinds of semaphores and how are they implemented? How semaphore implement Mutual Exclusion?
7. discuss the following:
(a) Deadlock and Deadlock Avoidance.
(b) Disk Scheduling.
8. Write short note on:
(a) Virtual Memory
(b) Threads
(c) Distributed System
(d) Demand Paging.
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