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Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2006 B.C.A Computer Application -2 PROGRAMMING IN 'C' - Question Paper

Wednesday, 03 April 2013 08:30Web

Time: 3 hours Maximum: 100 marks

PART A ans any 6 ques.. (6 x five =30 marks)

1. What is an escape sequence? What is its purpose?
2. Write short notes on goto statement.
3. discuss the recursion with example.
4. explain the purpose of a static function in a multiple program.
5. Write short notes on multidimensional array.
6. Write short notes on dynamic memory allocation.
7. How do you process a structure? provide example.
8. Summarize the rules for defining bit fields.
9. discuss fscanf and fprintf with example.
10. discuss command line parameters with example.

PART B ans any 4 ques.. (4 x 10 =40 marks)

11. discuss the meaning of more commonly used conversion characters within the control string
of a scanf function with examples.

12. Write a C program to obtain the nCr value using function. [Formula; nCr =n! / (r! * (n-r)! )]

13. explain the function definition with example.

14. discuss the concept of passing arrays to functions with example.

15. discuss the general form of union with example.

16. explain the methods of creating a data file in C with example.

PART C ans any 2 ques.. (2 x 15 =30 marks)

17. (a) discuss switch statement with suitable examples.(b) Write a C program to generate
Fibanocci numbers. [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,

18. discuss any 3 storage class specifications with example.

19. Write a C program to obtain the average, N numbers and then calculate the deviation of number
about the avg.. .

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