Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2006 B.A Economics Macro - Question Paper
This Is for the MK DDU - BA Economics Course, and please Refer to the Attached File,
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Happy Studying in our isc,
It's For the "Macro Economics"
(For those who joined in July 2003 and after)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (4 x 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
1. Quir0srTirir(r GLDLbunilU)-rD(g G<5flS)6uuu($iLb airpsssflaen' tumaoaj?
What are the pre requisites for economic development?
2. ir@'SGiflrr euOTih urbffil r51uL| eu0ni7.
Short notes on forest resources.
3. jBiTL|iDLDiiJ LDir6U5rbffirr65T ffiirqSSSTiBJffierT lurrensu?
What are the causes of urbanisation?
4. GIuj 6U0euir0S)iLi <$OT<K.l(SiLbGurrg] cj'fbLJld lurrao&J?
What are the problems economic while calculating National Income?
5. Gu(r<s@ciJ(rlarr
Explain the importance of Transport System.
6. IlLi_rBJeifln @f6)Girsrr<56TT ujrraoaj?
What are the objectives of plans?
7. 65flujrrir LDiULBnCun'sb g"ji)uLb (B6BTanLD6iT lurraneu? What are the merits of privatisation?
8. QrrLlrf)Qrr6TTS!f) 1991 ujbj&l Slenaa.
Explain the Industrial policy 1991.
SECTION B (3 x 20 = 60 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
9. iu60 prnlgl jSlancuuSId) ffirrsrcruulJlLb ffiDiflana)
J)65TeDl><Sffifr65r <SrriJSnSTIEJ<K0S>OT <,UJ6L| QfflJJS.
Examine the causes for disequilibrium Balance of payments.
10. QurrgjgiowD j)p6urnijffi6iflssT Qusrrrrirtr
(y5UJjGlJ0i)6ffr l(D65T <j,UJ6H QffUJ*.
Critically examine the economic importance of public sector enterprises.
11. U6BID L|pL<luSlafT J6SrS5)l) 65)1>S)6IT 6fll6fT@.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Green Revolution.
12. 10-sugj) gpiraiffr LLIasT Qsuibjfjl GrrsboSlffianerr 1651 j,UJ6I| QffUJ.
Critically examine the achievements of Tenth five year plan.
13. 6uiEJ<lffiGrfl0JT Qurr0Gmr[Tfr (Lp*lujgisu!)aT
Analyse the Economic importance of Banking.
14. @J5$iu Qurr0emr[r!r;5$65T <f)n)UL| gliuajqffiansn' si.r51 6lSlciTffiffi61|ljb.
State and explain the salient features of Indian economy.
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