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Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2007 B.A Economics Micro - Question Paper

Wednesday, 03 April 2013 12:10Web

MKU - 2007
Micro Economics

6116/Ell    OCTOBER 2007


(For those who joined in July 2003 and after)

Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

1.    Qrr@mij ot0(iud65t

State and explain Deductive method.

2.    (gsnnjjBisQffsu Jglfpilrglflna) uujOTruml afillsniu ijnuus. Examine Law of Diminishing Marginal utility.

3.    Genaj QrBLpfflsniu jiTLDn-6?ifl0Lb mj6nnfl<6TT turranaj?

What are the factors determining elasticity of demand?

4.    CT65BT658TGTT6L| UUJ6STLJfTL_@ (jpflDjDCBLU llJLD 16fTGl_| UUJ65rUITL_@ (Lp5>fDlJ_|l_JT UlS1.

Compare Cardinal utility approach to ordinal utility approach.

5.    e_a&LpuL| <|l(D6isT crdicun-p iTLDrTe5flffiuul(Di?

How Labour efficiency is determined?

6.    ffLoGrBrra 'e-jbujsgl tsuef>enGsiTL-iij.m u0Rsn_|ffias)GrT <9vgii<s5. State the features of ISO-quant curve.

7.    @plujffirr6u ffijrrffifl Qa:suajGn'(5l ron U euuj-ajLDitffi


Why does short run average cost curve is U shaped?

8.    665)0) Gu<5LD fTL($)<50S)05rnrcb 6D(TULD c9|DI_UJ(LpL)-lL|U>n-?

Can price discrimination reach profitable position? SECTION Bt(3x20 = 60 marks) . Answer any THREE questions.

9.    jbqSgbt a.661 GmlunLi|.0S)6ffr Qffius.

Examine Modern theory of wage.

10.    IfflKSnSlcST jBlTOOLD qS)0UU G<SnLUITLLli).0ne5r 6filaJITl(S6l|Lb. Discuss about Keynes Liquidity preference theory.

11.    (Lpfbptfls&iD Guirilii). &j56S)3juSl60 SI anew OTaj&jrnp

ITLDn-0!flLJ U 1 JDg] ?

How price determined under Monopolisti competition?

12. U0LD 6la)srre4 offllaouj

Explain Laws of Returns to scale.

13.    Geweu oSljfiaouj ajeiDijui_jL_65T 6filsrr@<K. Explain Law of demand with diagram.

14.    <Il_u00dld @eoas5r0o IfDCSTrriuaj Qmijs Critically examine scarcity definition.


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