Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2007 B.A Economics International - Question Paper
MKU - 2007
International Economics
(For those who joined in July 2003 and after)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (4 x 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
Each answer should not be less than a page.
1. ujrrrrril@ eurrassfluein J565T6WLD ,65)LQ<0s>srr [riruLiffi.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of international trade.
2. Qo/Dffiffir - u6ST65TinL(5l surrewflua Grnlu}.ss)ST ln)65rfnij6L| QaujfE.
Critically examine Heckshen-Ohlins theory of international trade.
3. surrasfluib erajrugi euGTTiVa1#)u51 sot 2_njgj ff<)-6iSleTTcK0$. Trade is an engine of growth - Explain.
4. c0 n5n"L_Uj_6BT S5<l565)<j5 JllTfoOOl ll51 tSiStS dn.UlL)
rr[r68sfl6TT UJIT65)6LI?
What factors determine the terms of trade of a country?
5. ffifTLJL|Llff)dE Qn"h"65)ffi5( j}&>IJ'UtT8T &0<5>5j](5&68)6fTj 0.
Argue the case for protection policy.
6. lusbjBinl# [06B>6O.*rr65T ffiir[rss5n&j6TT UJIT0S)SU?
What are the causes for the unfavourable balance of payments situation?
7. 6UinEJ@> Ripest G&irL-Llinlli).! nj65T0S)LD JjaDLDffia&OT qS1TT@<S.
Explain the merits and demerits of the purchasing power parity theory.
8. rsjSlujff Qff6D6urrGHifl L_@uurr(l (jpsDipffiSTT iLirranaj?
What are the measures of exchange control?
Answer any THREE questions.
Each answer should not be less than 3 pages.
9. ummirLQi pirmnij u65$f)<$65)6rT aS)CTrffi@f6. Explain the functions of IMF.
10. 2-60S 6LI[&l.iluSl65T @f6lGrr6TT6J)GTT Upi.
Explain the objectives of World bank.
11. e_60ffi enwppa )65)ldui51!t ussrflffiOT u-iiraoGu?
What are the functions of WTO?
12. rtjlLin-QS)6iST GTfbgllLDl llfluq JBL_SLIU).<5e!!)<S6iT
Explain the export promotion measures in India.
13. ainl ULH5il6nr6b <su rrsjrefl u ti> Loprpti Qutr6mrfr(r6iT i$rrm efi}&nenLia&nen rrrruJs.
Examine the effects of GATT proposals on Indian trade and economy.
14. u0!T65Tiril ajireMfluOT rBdfTSDLDaanOTa an.p.
Write about the advantages of foreign trade.
3 6118/E21
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