Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2007 B.A Economics DEE - Question Paper
MKU - 2007
6123/E33 OCTOBER 2007
(For those who joined in July 2003 and after)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (4 x 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
1. QunCTnrgjrrij QjerriTfflanajiLiLb 0D6ffr(Se5Tri)3)S5)iL|Lb QeuQiuQis.
Distinguish between economic growth and development.
2. 6U ip 65) LOSS) ID ffijbpLD USbGsup JTjL_eLllq.($(o5)<$,$5)6rT 6lTT<K@<S.
Explain the various measures of Eradication of poverty.
3. 6U0L>fT6ffTU) LDfDfTJJLD QffrTSajT g'ri>(Dn'Lp64iS66lft65T
Explain the impact of Inequalities of Income and Wealth.
4. Qun-0srrrrrTi7 dpasTCstfrDiDlesT 65T0DLDaoen oSIot. Explain the features of economic Development.
5. 6Upa)LD J5ff*ff0Lpa) CTQSTfD <K06J) oS)err,5@<K.
Explain the concept of vicious circle of poverty.
6. QdsnwoDLDLj Qunemrgimj ajerriTff#lffi GrrL.urrL_0DL_
Explain the classical theory of growth.
7. GUCTrrnggj Qffirrassrii).0ffi@Lb i5rr@6ifl65T QrTLlsb (LpaJil
(ip0S)IDC5)6TT 6lSl6IT@.
Explain the pattern of Industrialisation in Developing Countries.
8. LDp(Lp<56tfil(i)l Gito) (tpanpaouj SIot,*.
Explain Reinvestment criterion.
PART B (3 x 20 = 60 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
9. rbpff@Lpa) Qun-06fTrr[Tij6ffr (ip<5lujgj6u0S)< aSl6iTffi@.
Explain the significance of Environmental Economic.
10. ftpgiff@Lpb Qun-06TTrrf6n-glsb ldot Qrrena ffrrrnj><5 (SmjassflffisiflsiT ur&jcf]<ao65T oSlsrragja;.
Explain the role of Demographic Factors on Environmental Economics.
11. *(T)pff@Lp6b Qurr0srrfriri71cb rssiuDUJiiin'ciSlsrr 5rr5j<sj<i56&)<3) 6)Slcn"5>(j9).
Explain the impact of urbanisation on Environmental Economics.
12. Qurr0snTTrrij ajOTiTfflaouj urr<l<S(3jLb ua)Gajp arrijsssflffianCTT IfDQjrnujen Qffulia.
Critically evaluate the various factors affecting economic growth.
13. (ip65TC6!mj)n)ib LDfDguLb (pssTGsmiifD jg)oi_Q&J0f)sQDerT

Distinguish between Development and Development gap.
14. GupaoLD0DUJ<5 685r<S(]($!Lb (Lpcnpcnuj 6fi1cijrrlffi<s6Lb. Discuss the method of measuring poverty.
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