Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2007 B.A Economics FCS - Question Paper
MKU - 2007
6125/E3A october 2007
(For those who joined in July 2003 and after)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (4 x 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
1. aawfluQurnfj) urbffil eS)&jif)s6ijib.
Explain the computer system.
2. l51ll LDjfjjpLD 0!)UL_0OL_lj urf)j61 S1euiflffi4ih.
Explain Bits and Bytes.
3. jl06ST6UU OT6BT(T)rT0) CT65r65T? oSlaJlflffiffi&JLb.
What is memory unit? Explain.
4. U6U rlija> QffiLi6orrLb CT65TjDrrcb OT65T65T?
What is multiprogramming?
5. 2_ujiTiilaneo QiDrrLlsniu oSlajiflaaeLiLb.
Explain High Level language.
6. (g-rroigi Gsoot u@1<5stt Qit(5i] aS)ajifl<56mb.
Give any two LAN components and Explain.
7. HTTP OTOTijDrrsb ott65t? eSlaiiflffiaajLD.
What is HTTP? Explain.
8. CTooUL]e.lS urbrl oS)0T(gjffi.
Explain the FTP.
SECTION B (3 x 20 = 60 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
9. (ippeb p6f)60Qp6S)n) aemsfluQurnfi) (yw56t) njiT65TiTLb
0DQ)(y)S)(D ffiSSBfluQum#) 6U6IOI7 6fi)6TT<5@<S.
Discuss First Generation Computers to Fourth Generation Computers.
10. g-j$rT6Ugi r5H6ST@ a-OTSifil ffrr&nmia&nen uprfjf etSlaraainrra Sleuiflffi.
Explain in detail any four input devices.
11. )aoLDui51air IjDuiScincsT oS)Grr<50ffi. Describe major features of the Operating System.
12. #iSy,6filsr QffUjd)urr0D6rr $0 sr(5l<sml@ Qpsoii)
Discuss the working principle of CPU with an example.
13. ey5)isoujrr<5ffi{i)<5rr65T <5mjs5niffi65>6rr Slsrr.s.sLDn'.s oSl&jifl.
Explain in detail the reasons for networking.
14. -S0<5enrr6iSliiJ 6U0osuuSl0D6sru urfirl giS16tt@<s.
Describe World Wide Web.
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