Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2007 B.A Indian Social Institutions - exam paper
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It's For B.A. (SOCIAL SCIENCE) October 2007 and the Paper is "Indian Social Institutions"
6097/S 1A OCTOBER 2007
(For those who joined in July 2003 and after)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (8 x 5 = 40 marks)
Answer any EIGHT of the following questions.
1. GurrewrLb aSlerT<ffi@.
Explain Varna.
2. ffrrluSl6iir 1fDuiSluj6bLjffi6TT lurranaj?
What are the features of caste system?
3. n_rTSUITffi6lfl65T IBQ)6ofl0) ffi(Tf5luSl6ST Ul]$S5)65T GSlGrT(S0.
Explain Gandhijis role on the welfare of untouchables.
4. l0LO6ro.$6ifleb [Dffitrso Guirales)5i <sr@g]
Mention contemporary trends in the Hindu marriage.
5. (y}l>,lU-IIT6tfl6ST ftlU ffL_l_LD Uri)rf)l #lp @rfj)UL| SUCiRIJffi.
Write a short note on Muslim personal law.
6. ajijilffenasn- uiprl @!$ui_j OT(ipgj.
Write a note on dowry.
7. (LpsfocibffiOT mjDpLD 0g)(5iJiTTfl6ffT urrijibuifliLi
QffrTgJlfls&LD UfbpSluj 00O65Y OT(Lp].
Write the notions of property inheritance among Muslims and Christians.
8. 2_(D&J(ip)IDuSl0iT USD65TS!06TT 0SlSTTffi@.
Explain Kinship usages.
9. <FLD(sfoiil0i)UJiBrreb otottjdrrcb OT6ST<SffT? Sl6rrffi@.
What is Sanskritization? Explain.
10. liBliurToSlcb l0gi<su Quskffiaflisffr rgloosoaDiu
Mention the position of Christian women in India.
PART B (4 x 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR of the following questions.
11. rijarreu (xpe!onDu51<s5T <3urr<5(g urbrfjl ffiilfjlanij gpsfTp
Write an essay on contemporary trends in the caste system.
12. <isron_,,$rT<&J itcot pulLi_(Rjeh' ujruaDaj?
OT@gl OT(LgjJ.
What are the welfare programmes to untouchables? State.
13. LDrrj51aj0Lb LLl(3l<5(g@Lbu @ujia)L|<50DGn'
Analyze the changing features of joint family.
14. jSjbffiFTCD Jg)r5;iliu Quewrffisifleirr ijBsrugi injDpLb uiBi0ffiiflb S7ff)UL_(5l6TT6rr LDrrfDjDlsoOTr
Elucidate the changes taking place in the role and status of contemporary Indian women.
15. gD6DLDU65fl (yanjDuSlstf QarrySlsb aL_L_0DLDULSl5)65r efilGunl.
Discuss about the occupational structure of Jajmani System.
16. @ij$iLi LDiTjDpeufDQ jBsijLDiuLDrNSsb ifljbpib IB0S<o5TLDUJlDIT0Sl6i!T UIBJl0O65T c9|60<K.
Analyze the role of modernization and urbanization to change Indian society.
3 6097/S 1A
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