Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2007 B.A 2 - Sociology - Question Paper
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It's For B.A. (SOCIAL SCIENCE) October 2007 and the Paper is "Paper two - Sociology"
16. aLi@ibu (ipentDuSssi soiBffisnsrr 6i5l6ufl.
Describe the merits and demerits of the Joint -Family system.
(For those who joined in July 2003 and after)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (8 x 5 = 40 marks)
Write any EIGHT of the following.
1. ajenijujp. ffir<u5)6iiT #lfDLJlSluJ6bLJffi6S)eTT <56TOr(5llSlJ GTQi5&jlb.
Define caste and trace out the features of caste in Indian society.
2. llJtTLDULjpU U@l6rfla) ffrrluSlajT J565T65)LD,0O61T
Highlight the advantages of caste in rural areas.
3. ffrruSleisr uakqagnsTT oSlajif).
Explain the characteristics of caste.
4. ffrTlu5l65T LSlijrrLDisssfluj GmlurTL-uey>6r oSlGn\$&&|Lb. Explain the Brahmonical theory of caste.
5. Qn-SU ULpfEJ@U)_uSl65T (y)<$<luj .#1(DLJLSlujebL|ffi0OSTT 6filGfT<Kffi6l|Lb.
Explain the important features of Doda tribe.
6. LDlsiyr <flpuiSliJjebL|ffiiancfT CT(5Q(LpJ<5-Highlight the features of the rural religion.
7. @(JlLbuls5T pj65T5)LD $jaOLD<S0O6TT.5
Trace out the merits and demerits of Joint -Family system.
8. lljrTLO LDiKffierflOT (Xp<KIILJLDITCOT U655TL|,S6!r>ITU UL_IUJ0S1l1
Enumerate and explain the important characteristics of rural people.
9. @i_l> QuiuiTsiSleiyr pj6inanLD <a0L>ffl0GrT OT(Lpg],s.
Write the merits and demerits of migration.
10. uLprij0t|- (Lp65TGiS5Trr)jDl(D'SrT65r usoijuulLu luL_rEiffiC5)eTT 6)5l6rT<5(S64Lb.
Explain various programmes related to tribal development.
Answer any FOUR questions.
11. Iijrru51iu oniDuiSlsb ffrrluSlsiiT ur5J<KeifliliLS)eiD65T
aSlsurrgi esTfrsb 2_ei)LniuiDiTffiuuilL_
55rT0.ffiL_i_b <srrbuciierr Lorrri)fDr&J<s<sjr>crr Qajsifla Qrr6ronT<K.
Discuss the role of caste in village social structure and point out the changes in globalized era.
12. @iBlujms5leb utFEj@ir|_ (LpiaopufleiT <fln)ULSluja)L|<anCTr oSlerrffiQ.
Explain the features of tribal social structure in India.
13. rl<S5)GOUjrT<S5r 6(Lg[](S5)LDUL| (jp65)(T) OT65TfDn'b CTOTT65I? ajs5)ffiffi0!)Gn'iL|Li) QffiueburTQffianerrqLii aSeTT<5<56qL>.
What is institution? Explain the kinds and functions of institution.
14. *<j5<lij,gj,$0LJ lSIottli cS>ji7#l65rn-6U Glffajbu@uuili_ ueOcgijuuilL ilijrruSluj lLli_[ij0nerr eSlGuiflaffianb.
Describe various rural development programmes implemented by the Government after independence.
15. _er>LpuL|ij ur&jLliisin njafraoiD aoLD<$erT ujrraocu?
What are the merits and demerits of division of labour?
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