Guru Jambheshwar University 2010 B.Tech Biomedical Engineering - exam paper
Subject Code5249
(Fifth Semester)
BME-301 '
Time ;.'3 Hours Maximum Marks : 35
Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. .
1. (a) What are the various varieties of /
w/ biomedical simulators ? Give the applications of simulators. 4
(b) Explain the principle of diathermy equipments and why they are used ? 3
2, Explain functional electrical simulation technique and discuss common applications.7
3. Explain the principle of operation of endoscopes. Discuss fiber optic endoscopy -md its variations. 7
4. Give the description, and block diagram for dialysis equipment. What are the design considerations for dialysis equipments ? 7
That is the basic principle of delibriHafors ? Give the circuit diagram for simple defibrillator. Discuss the types of defibrillators.. 7
6a Explain the operation of heart lung machine. What are the various components of this' machine ? 7
l.yip) What is medical ventilator ? Discuss Jife
cricial system. 1
(b) How does a pulse monitors work ? Explain.
sprite short notes on the following:
(a) Oxygen and 0~ analyzers
(b) ECG Analyzers. 3.5.x2-7
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