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Guru Ghasidas University (GGU) 2008 M.C.A Computer Aplications COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND MICROPROCESSOR - Question Paper

Monday, 21 January 2013 06:10Web

Guru Ghasi Das University, Koni Campus, Bilaspur (C.G)

M.C.A (Second Semester) Examination, 2008
Paper: First

Time Allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks.

1. What is instruction format? define 3 address, 2 address, 1 address and zero address instruction format by using suitable example.

2. Describe the architecture and pin function of 80286 microprocessor.

3. Describe the logic circuit for 4-bit arithmetic operation. Also write the function table of arithmetic circuit with its 3 selection input.

4. What are the characteristic of Risc pipe line and Cisc Pipe line?> define the delayed load and delayed branch concept in Risc by taking 3 segment instruction pipeline.

5. What is Assembler? define the 2 passes of Assembler.

6. Describe four-segment instruction pipeline with its flow chart and timing diagram.

7. Explain interrupt cycle with input and output operation.

8. Write short notes on any four:
(a) Types of interrupt
(b) Subroutine call
(c) Linker
(d) Compiler
(e) Hard wired control unit.

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