Gulbarga University 2010-2nd Sem B.A POLITICAL SCIENCE – II : Political Thinkers - Question Paper
Monday, 21 January 2013 03:50Web
A II S (27) I – 2K10
B.A. II Semester Degree exam
Paper – II : Political Thinkers
Time: three Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions: 1) ans all the ques. from part A.
2) ans any 3 ques. from part B.
3) ans any 2 ques. from part C.
part – A
ans the subsequent ques. in not more than 3-4 phrases. [10x2=20]
1. What is meant by half communism according to Plato?
2. Write the important writings of Aristotle.
3. Write the meaning and kinds of slavery according to Aristotle.
4. Write the brief note on Machiavelli's 'The Prince'.
5. Give Thomas Hobbes ideas on human nature.
6. Write the human nature according to John Locke.
7. What do you mean by general will?
8. Write Ambedkar's concept of state. Socialism.
9. What is 'Kayaka'? According to Basaweshwara.
10. What is social equality?
Write the medium size ans to any three [3x10=30]
11. Explain the Platonic concept of ideal state.
12. Analysis the origin of state and its aims and functions according to Aristotle.
13. Explain the theory social contract according to Thomas Hobbes.
14. Describe Dr. Ambedkar's views on democracy.
15. Analysis the social-equality according to Basaweshwara.
Write essay kind answers to any 2 questions: [2x15=30]
16. Explain the characteristics of ideal state according to Plato.
17. Describe the causes and remedies of revolution According to Aristotle.
18. Analysis the concept of human nature according to Thomas Hobbes.
19. Explain the views of Sri Basaweshwara on socialism.
Earning: Approval pending. |