Gulbarga University 2009-1st Sem B.A LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE ( – I) Library and Society - Question Paper
Monday, 21 January 2013 02:25Web
A I S (033) I – 2K9
B.A. I Semester Degree exam
(Paper – I) Library and Society
Time: three Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions: 1) ans all the ques. from part A.
2) ans any 3 ques. from part B.
3) ans any 2 ques. from part C.
part – A
ans the subsequent ques. in not more than 3-4 phrases. [10x2=20]
1. Write the etymology of 'Library'.
2. Mention the 4th legal regulations of library science.
3. In which year, 'Connemara Public Library' was established?
4. Expand 'FID'.
5. Define 'University Library'.
6. Define 'Special Library'.
7. When 'Kerala public Library Act' was passed?
8. In which year, Haryana Public Library Act was passed?
9. Mention any 2 publications of IASLIC.
10. Mention any 2 publications of IFLA.
Write the medium size ans to any three [3x10=30]
11. Discuss the role of library in Modern Society.
12. Discuss the implications of 3rd legal regulations of library science.
13. Explain the salient features of special library.
14. Describe the need for library legislation.
15. Write a note on FID.
Write essay kind answers to any 2 questions: [2x15=30]
16. Describe library movement in India.
17. Explain the need and purpose of library legislation.
18. Describe the nature and purpose of librarianship.
19. Explain the functions of academic library.
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