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Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) 2010 B.Pharm Pharmacognosy-II - Question Paper

Monday, 25 March 2013 06:55Web

B. Pharm (UPTU)
Fourth Semester Examination, 2009-10

Time: three Hours Total Marks: 80
Note: 1) Attempt All ques..
2) Draw diagrams wherever needed.
3) All ques. carry equal marks.

1) Give official source, organoleptic characters, chemical constituents and uses of any 2 drugs: (2×8=16)
a) Capsicum
b) Cannabis
c) Ginger

2) Answer any 2 of the following: (2×8=16)
a) Give general methods of extraction of volatile oils.
b) Give official source, characters and chemical constituents of caraway and clove.
c) Write chemical structures and uses of Menthol, Citral, Anethole and Cineole.

3) Answer any 4 of the following: (4×4=16)
a) Give classification of alkaloids with examples.
b) Write a note on Saponins.
c) Draw chemical structures of 2 important flavoroids.
d) Give chemical tests of cyanogenetics glycosides.
e) Name any 2 cardiac glycosides. provide their chemical structures.

4) Answer any 4 of the following: (4×4=16)
a) Give general chemical tests of animal fibres.
b) Name any 2 synthetic fibres. explain their properties and uses.
c) Give method of preparation of silk.
d) Name any 2 natural colors. provide their sources and properties.
e) Write a note on bentonite.

5) Answer any 2 of the following: (2×8=16)
a) Give method of preparation and chemical tests of Catechu.
b) Discuss utilization of sandalwood oil and mentha oil.
c) Discuss role of aromatic plants in national economy.

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