Bharathiar University 2008 M.B.A -Principles Of Management And Organizational Behaviour - Question Paper
Monday, 25 March 2013 08:05Web
(For the candidates admitted from 2007 onwards)
M.B.A Degree exam , JUNE 2008
First Year
Principles Of Management And Organizational Behaviour
ans any 5 ques.
1. elaborate the functions of management? What functions do you consider more important among them and why?
2. explain the various elements of planning?
3. explain the relative merits and demerits of centralization and decentralization?
4. explain Maslow’s need hierarchy. How does the theory hold good in Indian context?
5. “A good leader is not necessarily a good manager”. explain this statement and compare leadership with manager ship.
6. Distinguish ranging from beliefs, altitudes and values. elaborate their sources?
7. explain the nature and significance of perception with a few examples from work settings.
8. What is personality? elaborate its major determinants?
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