Bharathiar University 2008 B.C.A Computer Application DATA STRUCTURE AND C PROGRAMMING - Question Paper
Sunday, 24 March 2013 12:10Web
TIME: 3 hours Maximum: 100 MARKS
part A – (10 X one = 10 marks)
select the accurate answer:
1. An ____________ is a finite set of instructions to accomplish a particular task.
(a) Array
(b) Index
(c) Algorithm
(d) Flowchart
2. A global variable is also known as ________________ variable.
(a) static
(b) external
(c) register
(d) unsigned
3. In C, the array subscript start with number _____________;
(a) 1
(b) -10
(c) 100
(d) 0
4. How a pointer is initialized? (p- pointer, x- variable).
(a) p= &x
(b) p= *x
(c) x= p
(d) &p= x
5. ______________ is a method for packing data of various kinds.
(a) Array
(b) Pointer
(c) Function
(d) Structure
6. What is EOF?
(a) End of field
(b) End of file
(c) Error in output file
(d) None of the above.
7. The stack elements will be accessed by ______________.
(a) index
(b) front
(c) top
(d) rear.
8. _____________ is a collection of data and links.
(a) Node
(b) List
(c) Queue
(d) Tree.
9. The running time of binary search is ______________.
(a) 0 (n log n)
(b) 0 (log n)
(c) 0 (n^2)
(d) 0 (n)
10. What are the locations of left child and right child of a node stired at location i?
(a) i+1, i+2
(b) i/2, i/3
(c) 2i, 3i
(d) 2i, 2i+1.
part B-(5 X 6= 30 marks)
11. (a) provide the structure of a C program.
(b) Write short notes on operators available in C.
12. (a) Write a C program to obtain the minimum value from a list of n values.
(b) discuss about pre processor directives.
13. (a) Differentiate structures and unions.
(b) define command line arguments with a C program.
14. (a) discuss the operations on stack with algorithms.
(b) How a doubly linked list is represented?
15. (a) Write a procedure for binary search.
(b) explain Insertion sort by giving examples.
part C-(5 X 12 = 60 marks)
16. (a) discuss about the various data kinds in C. provide examples.
(b) elaborate the loop control statements available in C? discuss in detail.
17. (a) Write a C program to count the number of characters,
words and lines in a snippet.
(b) Illustrate pointers in C with examples.
18. (a) describe a structure called cricket that will define the subsequent information:
Player name
Team name
Batting avg..
Using cricket, declare an array player with 50 elements and write a program to learn the info about all the 50 players and print a team-wise list containing names of players with their batting average .
(b) discuss the input/output operations on files with suitable examples.
19. (a) define the different operations on list data structure.
(b) How a queue is represented? Write procedures to perform operations on queues.
20. (a) Write and discuss the quick sort method.
provide an example.
(b) Sort the subsequent values using heap sort.
5, 21, 15, 9, 2, 18, 10.
Write necessary procedures.
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