Bharathiar University 2008 B.B.M Management Process - Question Paper
Saturday, 23 March 2013 09:50Web
Subject : Management Process
ans Any 5 ques.
every ques. Carry Equal Marks Mark [ 5*20=100 ]
1.Define Organization .Explain the Factors to be considered in the establishmentof an Organisation ?
2.Describe the Elton mayo's contibutionsto human relations approach ?
3.Examine the Merits and demerits of different kinds of Planning ?
4.What is Functional Organisation? provide a Detailed account of the Merits & De Merits of Such Organisation ?
5.Briefly explain about therecent patterns and new Perspectives in Management ?
6.What are the devices of Control ? explain about the special techniques of control ?
7.Explain Management and its functions ?
8.Decision Making is the Primary task of the MAnagement .Discuss the statement and discuss the Process of Decision Making ?
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